Digital signage is a modern and attractive communication solution. However, many professionals give up considering it complex to set up. Indeed, a complete operational dynamic display solution is a set of elements. It consists of one or more digital screens, a control PC, programming software, and the content to be broadcast. However, the technical characteristics should not be a blocking element. Solutions exist to facilitate access to the dynamic display.
Indeed, if we pay attention to a few important points, the use of dynamic display screens can be greatly facilitated. These points of passage make it possible to better understand the installation and its needs. We, therefore, give 4 tips to help you set up your dynamic display solution.
The possibilities of dynamic display solutions are increasing every year and are constantly diversifying. The choice is already vast, between SMD Screens, touch terminals, and other totems. However, not all of them will fit. Before launching headlong into a dynamic display project, it is, therefore, necessary to define precisely what is needed.
Are we aiming for local communication? Should the screen be installed outdoors? what size do you want? So many elements to take into account. Depending on his needs, the choice will then vary and direct the choice towards this or that type of screen. This first selection will thus make it possible to limit the possibilities of installation.
Once the choice of screens adapted to the situation has been made, it is still necessary to refine the research to be limited to a few comparable options. Depending on the situation, we will then be able to compare criteria of quality, longevity, services, and budget.
These criteria will influence the final estimate but also the different qualities of the screen. It is therefore useful to know what we are going to prioritize. Above all, do we want a quality and durable screen? Or would we not prefer a rather entry-level screen for lack of budget?
It is also possible to choose with which type of professionals to work according to the type of screen. Do you want to work with a display specialist or a digital signage software provider? If you have difficulty defining the solution adapted to your needs, our experts can advise you free of charge, do not hesitate to contact them.
Knowing which digital signage solution is not always enough. Some technical elements must also be taken into account. Notions such as pitch, type of LED, and maximum brightness, for example, can make a huge difference both visually and budget-wise. Difficult when you and not an expert to make these decisions alone. It is for these reasons that the choice of supplier is important depending on your situation.
For greater ease, it is preferable to rely on an expert supplier, who offers complete solutions. Generally, he will be able to listen to you, advise you, and support you in your project. Unlike some distributors who are content to present their catalog of screens to you.
It is important to identify these professionals, experts who will be able to help you define the best location and all the technical details to ensure the best performance and visibility. They will also be able to train you on the use of the screen and advise you on the renewal rate of spots according to your sector. Each installation being unique, they imply a form of flexibility on the part of the professional to propose the appropriate solution.
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