Muslim Boys Names with Meanings. Parents first decision is choosing a quality name for their newborn child. It is complicated for parents to finally decide on the name. But don’t make it difficult, I made this difficult task easy for you. Here you can easily choose a great name for your newborn baby. First, you have collected the great names that you like to choose and then finalize the best name from the collected list. The final chosen name will best suit your baby forever.
Islam is the world second highest population in the world after Christianity. Islam separated the whole world. The highest population of Islam lives in Asian countries such as Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Saudi Arabic, Qatar, Iran, Bangladesh, UAE, and other Arabian countries. Many Muslim populations live in Africa, America, and European countries. In these countries Muslim love to choose Quranic, Arabic, Urdu, and Persian names for their children. In the whole world, Muslims strongly follow Islamic culture and traditions and follow Quran and Hadith.
Choose Muslim Baby Boys’ Names
Therefore, I have collected Muslim Baby Boys’ Names with Meanings. You have come to the right spot to choose a name for your newborn baby boy or expecting one. In this list, you found many categories of Islamic boys’ names such as Quranic names, Arabic language names, Urdu language names, Persian language names, and also Turkish names. You can easily search your desirable names for your baby. Here mention a huge list of Muslim boys’ names with their great meanings and beautiful sounds. I hope you like these names and find a beautiful name for your son.
Muslim Baby Boys’ Names
Jaish | Excellent, Of high quality, Pure |
Jalal | Majesty, Grandeur, Glory |
Jaleel | Noble |
Jalees | Table companion, Associate |
Jalib | Attractive, One who captures Heart |
Jalil | Exalted |
Jamal | Beauty, Grace, Handsome |
Jamash | Bold, Impudent |
Jamil | Beautiful, Lovely, Handsome |
Jareed | Hawk, Messenger, Herald |
Jareer | Corpulent, A distinguished companion |
Jarrar | Brave |
Jasar | Brave |
Jaseem | Big Body |
Jasik | Just |
Jasim | Strong, Muscular, Healthy |
Jaudat | Excellence |
Jawad | Noble, Generous, Gracious |
Jawaz | Reason |
Jayyid | Good |
Jaza | Goodness |
Jazab | Attractive, Absorbing |
Jazakat | Strongness |
Jazeel | strength of God |
Jazel | Good Attitude |
Jazib | One who is handsome |
Jazil | Courteous, Civil ,Polite |
Jazl | Humble |
Jazlan | Happy |
Jibraeel | Name of the Angel of revelation in the Quran |
Jibran | To create good change, To give recompense, To help the poor |
Jinah | Wing |
Jiran | Gift from God, Strong Leader |
Jumaan | Pearl |
Junaid | Sufi Saint, Spiritual, Young Fighter, Warrior |
Jundal | Big Stone, Name of Sahabi |
Kaaden | A beloved companion |
Kaazim | Restrainer |
Kabeer | Great, Large, Senior |
Kadeen | Friend, Confidant |
Kafat | Lion, Cheetah, Tiger |
Kafeel | One who supports a Family |
Kafil | Responsible |
Kahil | Friend, Lover |
Kaiden | Companion |
Kaif | Pleasure, Joy |
Kaisan | Wise |
Kalbi | An authority on genealogy and the Quran |
Kaleem | Speaker, One who speaks to another |
Kalim | Speaker |
Kameel | Perfection, Perfect |
Kamil | The perfect one |
Kamran | Successful, Lucky |
Kareef | Born during Autumn |
Karif | Born during Autumn |
Kaseeb | Fertile |
Kashan | Popular Cities |
kashif | Revealer, Discoverer, Uncoverer, Pioneer |
Kashir | Comedian, Jocker |
Kasib | Fertile |
katif | Hater of Evil |
Kayan | High Status |
Kayden | Variation of Kadin, Friend, companion |
Kenz | Treasure |
Khabeer | Familiar |
Khabib | The loved one |
Khabir | Expert |
Khair | Giving, Charitable |
Khalid | Eternity |
Khalif | Surrogates successor |
Khalil | Friend |
Khaliq | Creator |
Kharaq | Dried Date Fruit |
Kharim | Generous, A friend, |
Khaseem | Enemy |
Khatif | Falling like Lightning |
Khatim | Ring |
Khawar | East/West |
Khayyam | Tent Maker |
Khazain | Treasures |
Khazin | Treasurer, Cashier |
Khimaar | Shawl |
Khizer | Green, Greenness |
Khubab | Fast walker |
Khudeesh | King, Powerful |
Khurram | Cheerful, Glade, Happy |
Khuzaim | Lucky, Success |
Muslim Baby Boys’ Names
Labaid | Old Arabic name |
Labeeb | Intelligent, Sensible |
Labeed | Intelligent, Sensible |
Labeeq | Intelligent |
Labib | Intelligent |
Labid | A companion |
Laeeq | Able, Worthy, Fit, Suitable |
Lafeef | Dense Shade trees |
Lafif | Friend |
Lahan | Little bright headed one |
Laheem | He Outstripped |
Lahiq | White-colored |
Lahiz | Heaven bird |
Laidan | Gentle |
Laim | Desire, Guardian, Protector |
Laiq | Able, Capable, Competent, Suitable |
Lais | Lion, Polite, Debonair |
Lajpal | The Dignity |
Lakhshan | Clean |
Lamay | Funeral Wake, Vigil |
Lamees | Soft to the touch |
Lami | Bright |
Lamik | Beautiful Eyes |
Laqan | Wise |
Latab | Oily, To live in One place |
Latib | Stable, Established, Strong |
Latif | Kind |
Lazim | Fitting, Needed |
Laziz | Pleasure |
Liaqat | Fitness, Ability |
Libaan | Successful |
Lihyaani | Long-Bearded Man |
Lisaan | Tongue |
Litaf | Incredible excitement and fun times |
Lizaz | Adhesive |
Lodhi | A famous afghan tribe |
Loot | Name of Prophet |
Lubaib | Pure |
Luban | Milk Seller |
Luqman | Experienced |
Lutf | Kindness |
Lutfan | Virtuous, Righteous |
Maahir | Skillful |
Maashar | Group of people |
Maayish | Livelihood |
Maaz | Companion of prophet |
Maeesh | Life |
Mahad | One who is great |
Mahaz | Place of War |
Mahir | Skilled |
Maimun | Lucky |
Majaz | Path |
Majeed | Superior |
Majid | Glorious, Noble |
Makin | Strong |
Malaz | Haven, Refuge, Safe place |
Maleek | Sovereign |
Mamoon | Trustworthy Man |
Mamoor | Inhabited, Populate, Full, Relate |
Mamun | Trustworthy |
Manan | Great Benefactor |
Mane | One who great |
Mannan | Great Benefactor |
Mansha | Motive, Intention, Desire |
Marib | Ultimate Goal, Destiny, Conclustion |
Marwan | Solid |
Marzi | Beloved |
Masab | Deep and signifies the firm personality |
Masaid | Helper |
Mashal | Torch |
Mashood | Proved, Attested, Evinced, Witnessed |
Masir | Intelligent Destiny, Fate |
Mayel | One who is well spoken |
Mayyush | Living well |
Mazahir | Protector, Defender, Supporter |
Mazhar | Appearance |
Mazin | One who has been given provision/good things/talents |
Mazir | Elegant |
Meerab | Paradise Flower |
Mehdi | The guided one |
Mehfaz | Like the Moon with Pride |
Mehrab | A Charcter in Shahnameh |
Mehsan | Religious |
Mehzad | High Born |
Mehzen | Beautiful expected |
Memoon | Lucky |
Meraj | Ladder, Status The Rise |
Muslim Baby Boys’ Names
Nawyan | Intending, Aimingg for, Determined |
Nayel | Brave, Strong, Winner |
Nayesh | New |
Nayyer | Radiant |
Nayzin | Proud |
Nazal | Prince, Blessing |
Nazan | Proud |
Nazeef | Pure |
Nazeeh | Pure, Chaste |
Nazeel | Passenger, Merciful |
Nazhan | Virtuous, chaste, One who distances himself form all evil and sin |
Nazish | Pride, Arrogance |
Nazmy | Sustamatic |
Neem | Luxury, Ease |
Nehad | Brave, Face challenge |
Nehan | Beautiful, strong |
Nezwin | Talented |
Nibal | Arrows |
Nihaan | Gright, Morning |
Nihal | Happy, Prosperous, Exalted, Pleased |
Nihan | Latent, Hidden, Secret |
Nihaz | Fresh |
Nimal | Pure, Blameless |
Nisbi | Relative |
Niyan | Eye |
Nizal | Striving, ‘contest, Competition, Battle |
Nizeh | Virtuous, rure, Chaste |
Noman | Men with all blessings of Allah, Blood |
Nooh | Name of Prophet of Allah |
Nufail | Gracious |
Numair | Little Leopard |
Nuzair | Warner |
Obaid | Gracious, Small Slave |
Obama | Slightly Bent |
Obez | One |
Oemar | The Arabian Traveller |
Ohad | Praising, Confessing, United |
Oheen | Chief |
Olfa | Familiarity, Intimacy |
Olia | Highest, Loftiest, Utmost |
Oma | Giver, Commander |
Omaid | Beautiful |
Omair | Intelligent, Problem Solver |
Omais | Love, Affection |
Omar | Long-Lived |
Omari/ Omary | The Highest of Muhammad’s followers, Gifted Speakers |
Omed | Hope, Aspiration |
Omeir | Long-lived |
Omen | To be faithful |
Omer | Eloquent, Bundle of Grain, First Son |
Omero | Security, Pledge |
Omid | ope, Desire, Wish |
Omor | Awesomeness |
Omran | Thriving, Flourish |
Onik | Various, Soldier |
Onon | Prosperous |
Ons | Removal of Fear, Gladness |
Onsi | One who removes fears |
Oraib | Keen, Intelligent |
Orhan | Great Leader, Supreme Leader |
Orin | White, Pale Green, Dark, Haired |
Orz | Side, Proximity |
Osaf | A well Dancer, Wasf |
Osaib | Good Worker |
Osama | Lion |
Osman | Third Khalifa |
Ossa | Divine Law |
Ossi | Leaping Warrior |
Osul | Trunks, Essential, Roots of a plant |