German Magazines & Newspapers

German Magazines
Magazines sorted by categories
- News & General
- Business
- Computers & IT
- Automotive
- Celebs & Gossip
- Teen
- Home and Garden
- Sport
- Politics
- Fashion and Style
- German magazines available in English
german livestyle magazin can be a great way to learn about your interests, hobbies, or pastimes.
It’s a great way for you to keep up with the latest German vocabulary in your field. You can also use it to say “I’m Working” while you sit down and have a cup a coffee in a quiet corner. 😉
Here’s a selection from the most popular German magazines, as viewed by German speakers in Germany and Austria.
You can find them both online and in hard copy.
News & General
- Der Spiegel, 675,000 copies sold weekly. The German leading news magazine. It focuses on politics and business. You can also access the English version online. This is not necessarily a complete translation of the original German articles.
- Stern, a weekly magazine of news, is 360,000 copies. It was established in 1948. Journalists love its emphasis on photography and long, detailed reporting. Direct competitor to Der Spiegel, Focus.
- Focus, 250,000 copies. There is less emphasis on politics or economics and more focus on everyday themes like family, finances, careers, and health.
- Profil, about 90,000 copies. This is the Austrian version for German magazine Der Spiegel.
- Capital, motto “Wirtschaft ist Gesellschaft”, a monthly finance and business magazine selling around 120,000 copies.
- WirtschaftsWoche (WIWO), a weekly business magazine, selling around 100,000 copies. WiWo Green is a portal about green topics that was established in 2013. The site also features annual German university rankings and an annual best-office award.
Computers & IT
- c’t, Magazin fur Computer Technik is Germany’s most important computer magazine. It was founded in 1993 and aimed at professionals.
- Computer Bild is the most widely read German-language computer magazine, appearing fortnightly.
- PC-Welt (“PC World”) monthly magazine, one of Germany’s oldest computer magazines for professional and advanced users.
- Auto
- Auto Bild was a leading weekly auto magazine. It sold approximately 250,000 copies and has since created a brand family that includes a variety of related magazines.
- Auto, Motor und Sport, is published biweekly, with a special focus on test results. There are approximately 330,000 copies.
- Celebs & Gossip
- Commonly known by the name “Tratsch und Klatsch”.
- BUNTE, Germany’s top-selling gossip magazine, covers stars, royals and entertainment with a circulation around 340,000. The celebrities it covers are often in court cases!
Bravo, the largest magazine for teens, has become a household name with many spin-off magazines. Bravo TV – A youth TV magazine, Bravo Sport, Bravo Hits (music), and the online portal.
- Gewinn, “Das Wirtschaftsmagazin Fur Ihren Personlichen Vorteil”, an Austrian personal finance magazine, selling around 50,000 copies monthly.
- Handelszeitung, Switzerland’s biggest weekly business magazine, is selling approximately 35,000 copies to German-speakers.
Sport Bild, an insight into the worlds of German sport. While the focus is on football, there is also a chance to see handball.
- EMMA, Das Political Magazin für Menschen, is Germany’s leading feminist magazine, published bi-monthly. It was founded by Alice Schwarzer, in 1977.
- Internationale Politik is Das Magazin fur globales Denken. There is also a global version available in English. This Journal of the German Council on Foreign Relations, (DGAP) has a global version.
- Cicero, Magazine fur politisches Kultur is a monthly magazine with a conservative emphasis. It was created as a German equivalent to “The New Yorker” and “The Atlantic Monthly”.
Fashion & Style
Commonly refered to as “Frauenzeitschriften”!
- Bild der Frau is Europe’s most beloved weekly German magazine for women, with more than 500,000 copies distributed and over 4,000,000 readers.
- Brigitte, a biweekly title that reaches more German ladies than any other magazine, has a circulation around 800,000. and an estimated readership.
- Elle, Elle Deutschland is Elle magazine’s German counterpart. Elle focuses on fashion and beauty.
- Freundin, a women’s magazine published every fortnight, has a circulation of approximately 360,000.
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