You’ve probably heard of CBD Oil UK. It is nature’s little gift – an all-natural substance with numerous benefits ranging from pain relief to anxiety relief. Not only that, but the side effects are minimal. CBD is available in dropper bottles, food, drinks, and even beauty products. But did you know CBD oil can also be used to treat dogs?
What exactly is CBD oil?
Cannabidiol (CBD) is derived from the cannabis plant. But don’t worry, we’re not suggesting that you or your dog get high. The psychoactive component of cannabis (THC) has been removed or greatly reduced in CBD, leaving only the health benefits. CBD oil is created by suspending CBD in a carrier oil such as coconut CBD Oil UK.
Is CBD legal to use?
Yes, you are probably already seeing it in a variety of products. CBD is legal as long as it contains a very low percentage of the psychoactive ingredient THC. CBD with a higher percentage of THC can be used medically, but only with a prescription.
What are the advantages of CBD Oil UK in dogs?
The advantages are comparable to those of humans. Anecdotal evidence suggests that it can help dogs with pain and seizure control. Some studies have even suggested that it can help with certain skin conditions when applied topically.
Can CBD Oil UK benefit my dog?
There are numerous health products that some swear by while others claim do not work for them. Many factors can be at work, so it is sometimes necessary to “try it and see.”
If you’re wondering about actual studies, as far as I’m aware, none have been conducted on dogs. Only anecdotal success stories exist. The American Kennel Club Canine Health Foundation, on the other hand, is planning a study to investigate the efficacy of cannabidiol (CBD) for the treatment of canine epilepsy.
Is CBD safe for dogs to consume?
Humans may experience minor side effects such as diarrhea or fatigue if they consume too much CBD or simply do not tolerate it well. Dogs are very similar, so it is best to start with a very low dose and gradually increase if necessary.
Look for signs in your dog such as panting, tiredness, a runny bottom, licking or excessive drinking, dry mouth, loss of balance, vomiting, or any change in behavior that is not the desired positive change.
Remember to start with a small amount (a drop or two) and work your way up. There is currently no official CBD dosage information for dogs, but we will discuss this later.
CBD can also interact with medications, so if your dog is taking anything else, consult with your veterinarian first.
Does my dog require a specific type of CBD?
When purchasing CBD products for dogs or humans, exercise caution. Many contain substances other than CBD, so you should be aware of what you are giving your dog. In general, buying a product made specifically for dogs is safer, but in the case of CBD, there are no regulated pet products as of yet, so do your research and don’t worry if the one you choose is technically for humans, with some exceptions that we will discuss.
Buy organic if possible to avoid added nasties like pesticides, and buy a brand that includes a clear analysis of the ingredients as well as the amount of CBD and THC in their specific product. Don’t skimp on these. You will pay a higher price for a purer, higher-quality product. If it is cheap and appears to be too good to be true, it most likely is.
Also, consider where the product was manufactured. Different countries may have different rules regarding the substances permitted in CBD products. Look for a reputable brand that is open about what it contains. Whether you’re buying for yourself or your pet, the manufacturer should be able to provide a Certificate of Analysis detailing the exact analysis of the contents, the percentage of CBD and THC, as well as any contaminants.
It is more important to know exactly what you are buying with CBD products than it is to worry about whether it is made specifically for dogs… at least for the time being. And for dogs, a zero THC product is a must. Remember that in the UK, human CBD is permitted to contain trace amounts of THC, which you do not want to give to your dog. Cannabis is considered toxic to dogs, cats, and horses.
If you were buying CBD Oil UK for yourself, it would be human food-grade, so make sure it is the same for your dog.
You must conduct research because there is no current regulation.
How long does it take to complete a task?
Ingestion of CBD takes about 30 minutes to enter the system, so don’t expect immediate results for every condition. If you have a dog who is afraid of fireworks, you should know whether or not it helped them in 30 minutes. However, for something like pain relief, give it a good 1-2 week trial period, assuming no adverse reactions.
CBD dosage for dogs
As previously stated, CBD products for dogs are not yet regulated, so there is no dosage information. Is there anything to go on? Yes, but only as a general guideline. In a 2018 study, dogs with osteoarthritis were given 2mg of CBD Oil UK per kilogramme of dog weight. That appears to be a lot, so I’ll say it again: start very low.
By the way, they reported less pain in the dogs given CBD rather than a placebo. The study, Clinical Efficacy of Cannabidiol Treatment in Osteoarthritic Dogs, can be found here.
It is preferable to purchase Buy CBD Oil UK rather than CBD treats or food. This way, you can control the dosage drop by drop. As previously stated, begin slowly (1-2 drops) and observe. Each dog will react differently, and your dog cannot communicate how they are feeling, so keep a close eye on your dog. Wait at least 6 hours before giving another drop to increase the dose. A dose can last anywhere from 6 to 12 hours.
How do I administer CBD oil to my dog?
You’ll only be giving your dog a few drops, which can be easily mixed into their food, popped into a treat, or dropped directly into their mouth. If their tongue or food contaminates the dropper, thoroughly wash it so that the product in the bottle is not contaminated the next time it is used.
Can I substitute hemp oil?
This is a simple one. You can, but it is not the same thing and will not provide any benefits to your dog other than the oil in which it is suspended. So don’t be duped. Check that the product you are purchasing contains CBD and not hemp. They are not the same and come from different parts of the plant.
A quick internet search proved my point quite well. On page 1 of the search results, there was a Buy CBD Oil UK for Dogs product with “Hemp Oil” written in small letters underneath. It also contains THC, which is prohibited for animals. So shop with caution.
Can my veterinarian tell me more?
You can inquire, but chances are they will not. Why? CBD products are unregulated at the time of writing, and none have been officially authorized for use with animals in the UK. There’s no harm in asking; just don’t be surprised or put off if they don’t go into detail. If your dog is taking other medications, you could at the very least get advice on medication interactions.
Which CBD oil is the best for dogs?
I’ll leave that one up to you to investigate. This article has given you numerous things to look for. Be cautious if you conduct your research by reading online “Buy CBD Oil UK” blogs. Check to see if the author of the article stands to profit from a sale and thus has an ulterior motive for their “recommendation.” A number of online news sites also have these types of “best of” CBD lists, which you may believe are unbiased, but keep in mind that newspapers sell advertising space. That’s all I have to say.
You’ve done your research, bought the best of the bunch, and now you need to keep it that way. To slow the degradation of the Buy CBD Oil UK and active ingredients, store at room temperature in a dark cupboard or similar.
Shelf life varies depending on how they were made, so read the product label. Other than smelling, tasting, and looking bad, rancid oil is harmless, but if the CBD has expired and lost its potency, your dog will not benefit.